Health Occupations Students of America: A Profile


The purpose of this study was to field test an instrument designed to identify the characteristics and attitudes of Health Occupations Education Students attending the 1990 Health Occupations Students of American (HOSA) National Leadership conference. Specific questions about their program of studies and about HOSA were asked, providing a profile of these students. While HOSA is approaching its 20th year as a vocational student organization, little is presented in the literature about the HOSA student in general. While only a 4% convenience sample is represented, the respondents represent several states, a wide range of students, and several first time attendees. Both officers and competitive event participants are included in the sample. Students who responded indicated that they were prepared for their competitive event by their teacher. Most attended che conference on funds provided through fund raising and/or by parents. Contrary to popular thought, most students did not know about HOSA prior to entering their health occupations program. Students responded that they benefitted from both their health occupations education course and from their participation in HOSA. Their experiences and participation helped them make their career decision and helped to reaffirm it

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