Institutional Factors Promoting Community College Fundraising


The purpose of this study was to examine the annual revenue received by United States public community college foundations from 2008-2009 in relation to selected variables associated with successful foundation performance. This study replicated and expanded upon the work of Dr. Sharon McEntee Carrier a decade earlier. Linear regression analysis was used to collect descriptive statistics about the frequencies, central tendencies, and distribution of the data. The researchers used linear regression and analysis of variances (ANOVA) to study the relationship between revenue gained in connection with private giving and college foundation operations for fiscal year 2008-2009, the degree to which the college president, chief resource development officer, and foundation board members were rated as playing a critical role in the foundation’s operation, the degree to which meeting institutional strategic goals was rated as an important, the institution’s geographic location, size (based on FTE enrollment), size of endowment, and organizational structure. Variables found to promote fundraising are reported. These include operating budget, campus location, campus enrollment, chief development officer’s engagement, endowment size, and development officer’s sense of satisfaction with the work

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