バイオ フィードバック クンレン ガ オヨボス コウドウ シヒョウ ヘノ エイキョウ


We have studied a series of EEG biofeedback experiment in order to understand the biofeedback training effect upon integrated EEG as well as upon subjective rating. For the next step of the study the effect of EEG biofeedback training upon behavioral measures has to be clarified in a systematic way. Although a number of its clinical application have been done, no parametric study has appeared so far. The purpose of the present study was to test the repeated trials upon time estimation being used as a behavioral measure in a future study. In Experiment 1 three different time intervals of 15, 30 and 45 sec were estimated 10 times by 28 college students. It was observed that the time estimations for the three intervals decreased as the trial proceeded. In Experiment 2 the effect of alpha and beta EEG biofeedback training was tested separately. The findings were that the alpha feedback training tended to increase time estimation, although the beta feedback tended to decrease the time. Taking these findings together it is suggested that the alpha feedback would relax central nervous system which leads to increased time estimation, and the beta feedback has the reverse effect

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