On the total signed domination number of the Cartesian product of paths


Let GG be a finite connected simple graph with a vertex set V(G)V(G) and an edge set E(G)E(G). A total signed dominating function of GG is a function f:V(G)E(G){1,1}f: V(G)\cup E(G)\rightarrow \{-1, 1\}, such that yNT[x]f(y)1\sum_{y\in N_T[x]}f(y) \geq 1 for all xV(G)E(G)x\in V(G) \cup E(G). The total signed domination number of GG is the minimum weight of a total signed dominating function on GG. In this paper, we prove lower and upper bounds on the total signed domination number of the Cartesian product of two paths, PmPnP_m\Box P_n

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