An Evaluation of CAPE Tendency in Tornado Outbreaks


Previous studies (e.g., Rasmussen, 2003; Thompson et al., 2003) have examined the impact that instability has on the occurrence of tornadic supercells. However, few studies (e.g., Calas et al., 2000) have examined the impact that the rate of destabilization has on the development of severe convection. Utilizing a CAPE tendency equation derived by Emanuel (1994), this study examines the impact of the rate of atmospheric destabilization on the severity of convection. Comparing six hour analyses of CAPE tendency with observed tornado tracks from the 4-6 May 2007, 5-6 February 2008, and 17 June 2010 tornado outbreaks reveals a potential correlation between CAPE tendency and the occurrence of tornadic supercells. These positive results highlight the need for future research to investigate the impact of CAPE tendency on the severity of convection

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