Find the second static equation of energy and find the largest forces of nature at all and find smallest particles in the universe (Al-Jabrton)


Einstein the kinetic energy in static case discovered through his theory of special relativity, it was expressed about contain of the material of energy this equation is very important in physics, But today we discover the second static equation of energy It is the potential energy or the internal energy of the Fundamental particles  and the quantity of energy equal the quantity of static kinetic energy to Einstein , But this equation is very important  because it know us at the internal structure , The basic of the material and it is characteristics , such as New forces undiscovered in nature so far and the dimensions of the particles and smaller particles in nature., The previous three bulletins were the entrance to a new physical theory is (recovery Theory of energy) Which we can derive them previous theories such as: Newton's principles - the theory of relativity to Einstein - quantum theory of Max Planck - hypotheses Bohr - Mechanics waveform of Louis de Broglie in addition to other new theories were not known before today. Keywords: second static equation of energy, largest forces of nature at all, smallest particles in the universe, (Al-Jabrton) ,recovery theory of energy

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