Making of an Entrepreneurial University in the 21st Century - Global Universities as a Role Model


This paper looks at what it takes to make a university entrepreneurial in the 21st century, especially with the global trend of Entrepreneurship Education.  Universities need to be entrepreneurial so as to churn out graduates who will create, rather than seek jobs.  The high rate of unemployment globally, calls for this.  The paper focuses on the concept of and economic perspective of Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship Education as well as portraying universities as role model in teaching entrepreneurship in the 21st century. The paper finally suggested establishment of Entrepreneurship Centre in each university, fully equipped with resources; internet connectivity and a globally friendly delivery system and assessment for the teaching of Entrepreneurship Education in universities. Keywords: Entrepreneurship Education, Entrepreneurial University, 21st Century, Global universities, Entrepreneurship concepts, Economic perspective, Entrepreneurship Centre, Internet connectivity, Self-employment, Delivery system and assessment

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