
Socioeconomic position, growth and physical activity: associations with adult fat and lean mass in the MRC National Survey of Health and Development


Fat and lean mass have important implications for adult health and physical functioning, but few studies have examined their determinants. This thesis used a life course perspective to examine how explanatory factors across life relate to adult measures of fat and lean mass. The MRC National Survey of Health and Development was used—a British birth cohort study originally comprised of 5362 babies born in March 1946. At 60–64 years, 746 males and 812 females had fat and lean mass measures taken using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. Linear regression was used to examine associations between prospectively ascertained explanatory variables (socioeconomic position, measures of growth, and physical activity) with these masses. Lower childhood and adult socioeconomic position, greater weight gains in childhood and adolescence (7-20 years), and lower current physical activity levels (measured objectively and by self-report) were all associated with higher fat mass, with evidence in females of cumulative benefits of leisure time physical activity across adulthood (36 to 60–64 years) in leading to lower fat mass. Higher childhood (females only) and adult (both sexes) socioeconomic position, higher birth weight, greater weight gain from birth to 20 years, and physical activity participation across adulthood were all associated with higher lean mass; associations with socioeconomic position and physical activity were found after adjustment for fat mass. Associations between lower childhood socioeconomic position and higher fat mass were partly mediated by weight gain from 7–20 years; associations with higher fat and lower lean mass were partly mediated by leisure time physical activity measures. Factors operating in both early and adult life were associated with adult fat and lean mass. These factors could be potential targets for public health strategies which seek to reduce fat mass and increase lean mass in the population

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