
Dressed Photon-phonon Technology for Ultra Flat Surface


A reduction of the surface roughness, Ra, is required in various applications including electronic devic-es and / or optical devices. Although chemical-mechanical polishing (CMP) has been used to flatten the sur-faces, it is generally limited to reducing Ra to about 2 Å because the polishing pad roughness is as large as 10 m, and the polishing-particle diameters in the slurry are as large as 100 nm. We therefore developed a new polishing method, dressed-photon and phonon etching (DPP etching), that uses dressed photon based on an autonomous phonon-assisted process. DPP etching does not use any polishing pad, with which we obtained ultra-flat silica surface with angstrom-scale average roughness as small as Ra of 0.1 nm. Addi-tionally, we succeeded in reduction of the Ra for the three-dimensional structures. When you are citing the document, use the following link

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