Experimental Overlay of Glazon over Two Bridge Decks


In accordance with a Personal Service Agreement entered into with the Glazon Industries, Inc., on July 2, 1971, the two subject decks were patched and overlayed with Glazon. On July 27, 1971, work started on RP 106-286-HG3, KY 395 bridge over I 64 in Shelby County. Work consisted of routing old concrete and sandblasting the surface (Figures 1 and 2). State personnel and equipment were used for all cleaning operations. The same procedures were followed to clean HM 99-1324A-MB3 in Powell County near Clay City. On July 28, 1971, Glazon personnel and equipment arrived at the work site in Shelby County. Glazon representatives judged the cleaning adequate and proceeded with patching the southbound lane (Figure 3). No accurate information is available as to the exact formulation of the Glazon used or proportions in the mix. Glazon Industries declined disclosure of such information since their material was not patented. Before patching, the holes were thoroughly dried. Shrinkage and cracking were noticed in the patches shortly after drying (Figure 4). Later, on other lanes, patch holes were primed with a Glazon liquid before patching (Figures 5 and 6). After a short drying period, the deck was sprayed with a Glazon mix similar to that for patching but more fluid (Figures 7 and 8). Some problems were encountered due to weak air supply, but were shortly overcome. The sprayed deck looked satisfactory to Glazon personnel who did most of the work in patching and overlaying the deck. The operation was moved to the Clay City bridge and the same procedures were followed in working the northbound lane. Two wingwalls on the Shelby County bridge were sprayed with a Glazon mix made with white cement. On August 3, 1971, both bridges were completed though work was interrupted by rain several times. On August 5, 1971, both bridges were reopened to two-lane traffic. This Division closely observed these operations from the beginning. It was later learned from the Division of Maintenance that the northbound lane of the Shelby County deck, which was badly deteriorating, had been repaired on September 15, 1971

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