
Hubert Airy, contemporary men of science and the migraine aura


Although there had been occasional references to the visual aura of migraine even in ancient medicine, little attention was given to the phenomenon until the first half of the nineteenth century when French authors began to describe it. In the medicine of English-speaking countries, apart from a few descriptions, it went largely unnoticed until the British Astronomer Royal, Sir George Airy, described his own experience of the visual aura in 1865. Five years later his son, Hubert Airy, also described his experience of it and that of a number of eminent contemporary men of science. The topic of the migraine aura was almost immediately taken up by two of the younger Airy's contemporaries and fellow Cambridge medical graduates, Peter Wallrock Latham and Edward Liveing, in their monographs. Subsequently, migraine with aura quickly became a well-recognised clinical entity in British medicine

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