
Global health learning outcomes for pharmacy students in the UK


Context : The pharmacy world is a highly globalised environment. Pharmacy graduates must therefore be adequately prepared. The question for educators is, how best to prepare our students. We propose that integrating global health learning outcomes within the core curriculum would ensure that all students – irrespective of their personal interest and intended work sector - are engaged with global issues. / Description: Internal discussions were held with representatives from all disciplines within University College London (UCL) School of Pharmacy and existing curriculum documents were reviewed. A draft set of learning outcomes was proposed and then revised following consultation with representatives from the United Kingdom (UK) pharmacy profession and others with an interest in global health. / Evaluation: Analysis of the consultation data led to the derivation of a revised set of global health learning outcomes for pharmacy. / Future plan: Embedding and assessing global health learning outcomes within the UCL School of Pharmacy’s undergraduate curriculum is now our focus

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