Measurement of the reaction gamma*p->phi p in deep, inelastic e(+)p scattering at HERA


The production of phi mesons in the reaction e(+)p --> e(+)phi p (phi --> K+K-), for 7 phi p cross section rises strongly with W. This behaviour is similar to that previously found for the gamma*p --> rho(0)p cross section. This strong dependence cannot be explained by production through soft pomeron exchange, It is, however, consistent with perturbative QCD expectations, where it reflects the rise of the gluon momentum density in the proton at small x. The ratio of sigma(phi)/sigma(rho(0)), which has previously been determined by ZEUS to be 0.065 +/- 0.013 (stat.) in photoproduction at a mean W of 70 GeV, is measured to be 0.18 +/- 0.05 (stat.) +/- 0.03 (syst.) at a mean Q(2) of 12.3 GeV2 and mean W of approximate to 100 GeV and is thus approaching at large Q(2) the value of 2/9 predicted from the quark charges of the vector mesons and a flavour independent production mechanism

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