The de Haas-van Alphen Effect of Zinc


The de Haas-van Alphen effect of pure zinc crystal was investigated at temperatures ranging from 63°to 1.3°K by means of a torsion magnetometer. In the magnetic field less than 16 kilo-oersted and at the temperatures 4.2°K and above, a remarkable periodic variation of magnetic susceptibility was found with the intensity of magnetic field and it is here referred to as the long-period effect. While in the field higher than 19 kilo-oersted and at temperatures from 4.2°to 1.3°K, it was observed that a shorter-period and smaller-amplitude effect, which is accompanied by some complicated beat structures, is superposed on the high field extension of the long-period effect just cited. From the analysis of the long-period effect, we obtained the next de Haas-van Alphen parameters : E_=5.5×10^ erg, m_/m_0=5.4×10^, m_/m_0=2.7×10^, T_=400°K, n_l=1.2×10^atom^; and from the analysis of the short-period effect, we got : E_=7.9×10^ erg, m_/m_0=1.6×10^, m_/m_0=8.3×10^, T_=570°K, n_s=3×10^ atom^

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