
The paper is an analysis of the importance and the approach of a new energy strategy for Romania in the context where energy has become a strategic factor in global politics, a vital component of a cost factor for economic development and progress of society as a whole . The author addresses the European Union's energy policy, which is a basic element in achieving national energy strategies, each country including Romania, acting in the energy sector so as to meet EU targets global and sustainable energy policy. Romania considers energy strategy as part of the defense strategy and campaigning to promote a common energy security policy at EU and national energy identity linking domestic politics with its obligations to the European level. Romania is trying to find the right model in terms of configuration and market energy system internally and should benefit from the development of interconnection networks gas and north-south and building an energy community to support national regulators and energy transmission system energy. For the future, the future energy strategy must provide consumers with a secure, sustainable, competitive and affordable by fundamental transformation of the energy system of Europe, where member states to make that depend on each other for the security of energy supply their citizens, based on trust and solidarity real and energetic creation of a union to speak in one voice in the world

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