A Question of Triumph: Effectively Measuring the Success of Intelligence against Terrorism


As intelligence programs continue to be expanded in order to combat the growing threat of terrorism seen around the globe, many critics have questioned whether the success of intelligence against terrorism can be effectively measured. Through the implementation of the United States PATRIOT Act and the mass data collection programs which it created, intelligence programs have gained access to the private interactions and intentions of government officials, civilians, and businesses, foreign and domestic, while terror acts continue to occur on a, seemingly, daily basis. This article seeks to show how the success of intelligence against terrorism can, in fact, be effectively measured when examined in regard to the various aspects of terrorism it seeks to prevent; while acknowledging the continued existence of terrorist groups as a whole. It becomes clear, through the examination of the post-9/11 terror plots, attacks, and bolstered counterstrategies against them, that success of intelligence against terrorism can be effectively measured and is clearly evident

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