批判理論におけるシティズンシップとエトノス : 訳者解説にかえて


Jurgen Habermas visited South Korea in April of 1996. During 15 days staying he presented tseo-nam lecture at Seoul National University. That title was \u27National Unification and Popular Sovereignty\u27. Im my view, this lecture is very important for the Asian Critical Theory. Because he showed the way to apply his social theory to Korea, in general to Asia. In my translator\u27s explalation, I deal with some points at issue. Especially I refer to the comment to Habermas given by Paik Nak-Chung. By comparing Habermas with Paik Nak-Chung, I have got some aspirations to synthesize the theory of citizenship and the theory of Ethnos. This would contribute the formation of the Asian Critical Theory

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