Efficacy of systemic fungicides and antagonistic organism for the management of Phytophthora foot rot of black pepper in arecanut cropping system


Black pepper vines were less affected when the vines were treated either with metalaxyl goldMZ 64 WP (Ridomil gold) @ 2.5 g/vine or   potassium phosphonate ( 0.5 per cent)  as  spray(@ 2 l-vine ) and drench  twice (@ 3 l-vine) during before on set of monsoon and secondapplication in the month of August coupled with soil application of antagonistic organismi.e., Trichoderma harzianum   @ 50 g  (cfu 107 ) along with 1 kg of neem cake  to the root zoneof the vine.  Application of systemic fungicides alone i.e., metalaxyl MZ 68 WP  (Ridomilgold) @  2.5 g/vine or potassium phosphonate ( 0.5 per cent)  as  spray  (@ 2 l-vine ) anddrench  twice (@ 3 l-vine) also showed effectiveness in the combating the disease. &nbsp

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