Relative Efficacy of Different Insecticides Againsts Chilli Pod Borer, Spodoptera Litura Fabr. (Lepidoptera - Noctuidae) in Manipur


ABSTRACT: The bio-efficacy of seven insecticides namely Endosulfan (0.07%), Monocrotophos (0.05%), Malathion (0.05%), Dimethoate (0.04%), Phosalone (0.04%), Cypermethrine (0.01%) and Neem oil (3.5%) were applied on Chili. Capsicum annum was grown in the field for the control of Chilli pod borer, Spodoptera litura Fabr. The insecticide like Phosalone (0.04%) and Endosulfan (0.07%) were most effective and the neem oil were found to be the least effective in reducing borer population.Â

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