Vegetation types and wildlife occurrence in Baghmara Buffer zone community forest


Baghmara Buffer Zone Community Forest (BBZCF) is located in the central lowland of Nepal by covering 215 ha area. A year round study was conducted on 2010 in the area to find out the vegetation types and associated large wild mammals in that vegetation. To collect the primary data on vegetation 34 parallel transects traversing east to west were established. The transect pass through the all habitat types of BBZCF. Total length of transects were 68 kilometers. Nested quadrates (n = 131) were laid in each transects to collect information about vegetation type and wildlife occurrence. Vegetation types of the area were classified on the basis of Importance Value (IV) of tree species for forest area and Prominance Value (PV) of herbs and grass species in grassland area. Six vegetation types namely Acacia catechu forest, Albizia julibrissin forest, Savana, Dalbergia sissoo forest, Trewia nudiflora forest, and Grassland were reported from the study area. Wildlife signs were found only from naturally regenerated forests areas of BBZCF. On the basis of the availability of indirect signs it was found that wildlife were distributed in Albizia julibrissin forest, Trewia nudiflora forest, and grasslands of the study area. From those vegetation types, Spotted deer, Sambhar, Wild boar, Barking deer, and Rhinos were recorded. Among the studied wildlife, Spotted deer and Sambhar preferred Trewia nudiflora forest and rest of the wildlife preferred Albizia julibrissin forest as their habitats

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