Biodiversity, life forms and chorotypes of threatend medicinal plants in Tehran watershed, Iran


This research was carried out to identify and introduce the threatened medicinal plants, life form, and chorotypes of them in Tehran watershed. Initially after distributed species identification on the watershed based on the fieldwork, each of the species was compared with the red list and finalized. Results showed that in Tehran watershed there are 51 threatend medicinal plants belonging to 21 families and 43 genera. The families with the high number of red species include, Rosaceae (8 species) and Lamiaceae (7 species), and the main genera was Ferula (3 species). 43 species isd Endemic in Iran, 3 species are in Data Deficient (DD), 20 species in Vulnerable (VU) and 26 in Low Risk (LR) status. Two species Ferula persica Willd. and Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss. are in Endangered (EN) status Because of low distribution and overuse of those. The dominant life forms of the identified species using Raunkiaer's method were: Hemicryptophytes (He) with 41.18% (21 species) and Phanerophytes (Ph) with 39.22% (20 species). From the choryotype perspective, the most of the identified species belongs to Irano-Turanean, and then Europe-Siberian- Irano-Turanean regions

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