Impact of Dyeing Industry Effluent on Ground water Quality by Water Quality Index and Correlation Analysis


Ground water from Chinnalapatti,TamilNadu, India, was collected from the habitations at the vicinity of dyeing industries to study the impact of dyeing industry effluent on ground water quality.  Physico-chemical parameters, namely EC, pH, Total Hardness, Ca, Mg, Na, Cl, TDS, Potassium and Sulphate were analyzed and compared with drinking water standard. pH, Ca and Mg were within the desirable and permissible limit of drinking, whereas sulphate, Sodium and  Potassium were within the desirable limit only. Water Quality Index was calculated to assess the level of pollution and it is 61, indicating the pollution rate of ground water between slight and moderate. Correlation of various physico-chemical parameters with EC, TDS, and Total hardness was also calculated to establish the nature of relationship between them. EC is positively correlated with sodium, similarly TDS and Total hardness are positively correlated with calcium

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