On graph energy, maximum degree and vertex cover number


For a simple graph GG with nn vertices and mm edges having adjacency eigenvalues λ1,λ2,…,λn\lambda_1,\lambda_2, \dots,\lambda_n, the energy E(G)E(G) of GG is defined as E(G)=∑i=1n∣λi∣E(G)=\sum_{i=1}^{n} |\lambda_i|. We obtain the upper bounds for E(G)E(G) in terms of the vertex covering number τ\tau, the number of edges mm, maximum vertex degree d1d_1 and second maximum vertex degree d2d_2 of the connected graph GG. These upper bounds improve some recently known upper bounds for E(G)E(G). Further, these upper bounds for E(G)E(G) imply a natural extension to other energies like distance energy and Randi\'{c} energy associated to a connected graph GG

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