Trematodes of the genus Crepidostomum (Digenea: Allocreadiidae: Crepidostominae) from freshwater fishes of Japan. Journal of Nagano Prefectural College, No. 45, pp. 1-14, 18 December 1990.The following digenetic trematodes are described and figured from Japanese freshwater fishes: Crepidostomum chaenogobii Yamaguti et Matumura, 1942; C. farionis (Müller, 1780) Lühe, 1909; C. metoecus (Braun, 1900) Braun, 1900; C. salmonis Fujita, 1921, sp. Inq. ; and C. uchimii Fujita, 1920, sp. Inq. (Allocreadiidae: Crepidostominae). Data on their hosts, geographical distribution and life cycles are given