

The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes to the Western style from Japanese style in the children\u27s clothes in Nagano Prefecture. The cause of wearing the Western style clothes in children in Nagano Prefecture was guessed by the documents that the school child, being dressed in Western style, came out to greet Emperor Meiji in Ueda-shi, Nagano in 1878. The start of spread of Western children\u27 clothes was guessed when the factory of a ready-made was built by Tokyo Akasaka in 1912. After that, it seemed that the Western children\u27s clothes were spread from Tokyo tothe whole country. We found the finishing-kindergarten photograph in Nagano-shi from 1920 and the photograph of a child wearing the Western style dress in Suzaka-shi. It is common that these children had many opportunities for their parents to goto Tokyo. It seemed that the children wearing the Western stvle dress at the time were still restricted. Transition of the Western style dress of ordinarychildren in Nagano Prefecture, was guessed from the graduation photograph in three elementaryschools since 1926. We found that wearing the Western style dress was earlier in boys than girls, andalso in city than suburb. ln 1947 the Western style dress wearer became 100% also at the elementary school of the suburbs in boys and girls. However, these findings were on a graduation album, and it is considered to be later that the Western style dress becames natural by the usual life of children

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