The teaching of the Biritsh social class and politics through films set during and after the government of Margaret Thatcher


Este documento pretende examinar tanto la representación cinematográfica de la situación psicosocial de las clases trabajadoras durante la legislatura de Margaret Thatcher como Primer Ministra del Reino Unido, como las consecuencias de su gobierno. Este análisis se centra en las películas "Bassed Off" y "The Full Monty", para reflejar la unidad del pueblo a través de la desesperación, así como la búsqueda de identidad, ambas comunes en la sociedad británica de los 90. La enseñanza de un período tan importante es esencial para promover una conciencia social e histórica en los alumnos, integrándolos en su aprendizaje.This paper aims to examine both the cinematic representation of the psychosocial situation of the working classes during the premiership of Margaret Thather as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and its consequences in society. The analysis focuses on the movies ‘Brassed Off’ and ‘The Full Monty’ so as to reflect the unity through despair as well as the search for identity, which were common in the British society of the 90s. the teaching of such an important period in the world’s history is paramount to raise cultural and historical awareness among students, integrating it in their learning

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