Cross-curricular contents: Aggressive social aspirations during and after Margareth Thatcher's premiership


Este trabajo trata de analizar la representación cinematográfica de la situación psico-social de las clases trabajadoras del Reino Unido durante el gobierno de Margaret Thatcher (1979-1990). Se analiza brevemente el contexto histórico, centrándose en los aspectos sociales, económicos y políticos, y en los sucesos más relevantes que tuvieron lugar antes, durante y después de dicho gobierno, para así comprender las aspiraciones sociales agresivas que caracterizaron a la sociedad británica desde los 70 hasta los 80, y que se retratan en 3 películas diferentes: "Abigail's Party", "High Hopes" y "The Ploughman's Lunch".This paper attempts to look into the cinematic representation of the psychosocial situation of the working classes during the premiership of Margaret Thatcher as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (1979-1990). A brief historical and contextual background is provided, focusing on the most relevant social, economic and political aspects and events taking place before and during the time, so as to comprehend the aggressive social aspirations that characterized British citizenship from the 70s to the 80s, which are portrayed in three different movies, namely, 'Abigail’s Party' and 'High Hopes' by Mike Leigh, and 'The Ploughman’s Lunch' by Ian McEwan

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