
血液透析患者(以下,透析患者)に対する望ましい医療・福祉サービスを考える手だてとして,透析患者に実態調査を行った。秋田市内9施設362人の調査結果,以下のことが明らかになった。1)通院コスト,家族による付きそいなどをあげたものが多く,通院の負担が大きかった。2)日常生活動作では,比較的歩行を伴わない行動はできている者が多かったが,軽・重労働は介助を要する者が多かった。3)過去6ヶ月で受けた各種の介護サービスよりも,いずれの種類も今後受けたいという回答件数が多かった。また,その内容は様々であった。以上から,通院支援や個別的な医療・福祉サービスの充実が望まれると考えた。透析患者のQOLを高める方策として,社会福祉的な視点が重要である。In order to better understand the medical and social services needs of patients receiving hemodialyis in Akita a questionnaire was administered to these patients. 362 responses were received from 9 hospitals within Akita City. These were analysed and the conclusions are as follows : 1. The major concerns of respondents were the costs of attendance by family members at hospital and the costs of medical care and medications. 2. Some patients coped with ADLs with minimal assistance but others required assistance with both light and heavy tasks 3. While there was a variety of answers to the question regarding social welfare services most participants indicated a desire to receive different kinds of social welfare services than had been provided in the previous 6 months. In light of these findings we recommend the development of individualised medical and social welfare services to support hospital visits and quality of life for hemodialysis patients

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