Responses of grapevine cvs Chenin blanc and Chardonnay to phosphorus fertilizer applications under phosphorus-limited soil conditions


Grapevines growing on two low P soils were shown to have petiole TP levels below currently accepted critical levels established for the Thompson Seedless variety. Soil application of different P fertilizers increased lamina EP and pruning weights in the season immediately following application. In the 2nd season after application, duster numbers and yields of P-treated Chardonnay and Chenin blanc grapevines were greater than for the untreated controls. Different sources of P, applied at various rates either during the growing or dormant seasons, were effective in alleviating P deficiency. However, the largest and most sustaineq increases in P status were associated with the largest P application rates. Therefore, under certain low P soil conditions repeated small applications of P every 2-3 years may be necessary to maintain adequate vine P status. Preliminary critical P levels of 0.8 g lamina EP/kg dw for Chardonnay (own roots) and 1.5 g lamina EP/kg dw for Chenin blanc (St. George rootstock) were established based on yield responses

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