Gas-exchange response of grapevine leaves under fluctuating light


Gas exchange responses to lightflecks of different frequency and duration were studied in mature grapevine leaves. Light-response curves under intermittent light showed lower carbon exchange rate (CER) than continuous light at non-saturating PFD levels (10-500 µ molm-2 s-1). White-dark and white-green alternating light of equal bright and shade periods at 0.33-5.33 Hz systematically resulted in improved light utilization as compared to high continuous light. Transpiration (T) was slightly more limited than the CER under intermittent light, resulting in higher water use efficiency. No differences in carboxylation efficiency were found by comparing the high continuous light treatment to white-dark lightflecks at 0.33 and 2.67 Hz. Our results show that, under short-term alternating light, CER of the grapevine leaf fully responds to the mean PFD level resulting from light oscillations

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