Induction of sex conversion in male Vitis


Shoot girdling, widely different levels of nitrogen and photoperiod and a number of chemical agents were ineffective in promoting sex conversion in a male V. vinifera (sylvestris) clone 030-44.The cytokinins SD 8339, zeatin, benzyladenine and kinetin converted sex from male to hermaphrodite in the clone 030-44. The first two cytokinins were more effective than the others. A concentration of 1000 ppm of SD 8339 was the most effective, followed in decreasing order by 500 and 100 ppm. Treatment was most effective at the time of megaspore mother cell formation.SD 8339 also induced sex conversion in other male clones and seedling vines of V. vinifera L. (sylvestris) and in male clones of other Vitis species, and a species hybrid 'Ganzin 1'.In male clones and seedling vines of V. vinifera L. (sylvestris), there was no correlation in frequency of natural sex conversion and that induced by SD 8339, but such a correlation was found in male clones. of other Vitis species and a species hybrid.The cytokinins did not affect pollen viability and the seeds obtained germinated normally.Association of natural sex conversion with endogenous cytokinins in male vines of Vitis is discussed.Two possible practical applications of this method of sex conversion by cytokinins are also mentioned

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