
A blended learning (vegyes típusú) tanulást támogató módszerek és hatékonyságuk vizsgálata az Eszterházy Károly Főiskolán: "a digitális identitás az útlevelünk Európába"


The accreditation process of the information management program eventually approved by the Hungarian Accreditation Committee was launched at the 2000/2001 academic year by the INSTITUTE OF MEDIA INFORMATICS of the Eszterházy Károly College. The online based educational materials (available for examination on any web surface via a browser program) are collections of data optimised for network communication and are even suitable for administering network-based examinations. Quality concerns are prioritised elements of the curriculum developmental process, and the foundation of the quality assurance procedure must be established during the first phase of curriculum design Any distance learning scheme, either adult training or an open education program has to provide curricula and educational services facilitating efficient knowledge acquisition regardless of spatial and temporal considerations. While blended training programs combining the traditional and e-learning approach appear to be an efficient vehicle, the suitability of the applied organisational format has yet to be proven. A closer look should be taken at obvious strengths and areas in need of improvement in the area of instructional technology. This lecture will provide an outline of the experiences following the implementation of a blended type learning support program

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