Evaluation of foliar resistance to downy mildew in different cv. Albariño clones


Resistance to downy mildew was studied in different Vitis vinifera L. cv. Albariño clones belonging to the collection of the Mision Biológica de Galicia, CSIC (Spain). V. riparia, V. vinifera cv. Solaris and V. vinifera cv. Müller-Thurgau were used as controls. Plants were inoculated with Plasmospora viticola in the laboratory using the leaf disc, whole leaf and whole plant techniques. The results were compared with those obtained in the field for the same Albariño clones. The most susceptible group of clones included MBG-2, MBG-14, MBG-12 and MBG-9, while MBG-13, MBG-3 and MBG-6 formed the most resistant group. The remaining clones showed intermediate resistance. These results coincide with observations made in the field. The resistance observed in MBG-12 could have been generated from in vitro culture, because this induces changes in the downy mildew resistance.

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