Influence of must racking and fining procedures on the composition of white wine


A study of the effects of two kinds of must clarification. settling or filtration by rotary vacuum filter and 5 juice fining treatments (bentonite, potassium caseinate, and combinations: bentonite + gelatin, and bentonite + caseinate + microcrystalline cellulose) on wine characteristics was carried out using must of the white cultivar Parellada. Although the general characteristics (ethanol, color, limpidity, residual sugars, pH and acidity) of Parerllada wines were not modified, some wine components (e.g. nitrogenous substances, phenolic compounds and aroma) were lowered according to the type of must racking and juice fining agent added. The percentage of decrease of wine characteristics due to the pre-fermentative fining agent depends on the type of must racking. Highest losses were recorded when rotary vacuum filters were used for must racking, and when bentonite (0.3-0.5 g/l) was added to the juice as a fining agent before fermentation

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