Evolution de la composition en polyamines des baies de raisin au cours du processus d'infection par Botrytis cinerea


Evolution of polyamine composition in grape berries during infection with Botrytis cinereaPolyamines are growth regulators occurring naturally in grapevine(Vitis vinifera L.) and pathogenic fungi, e.g. Botrytis cinerea. Investigation of polyamines of in vitro-grown Botrytis cinerea mycelium and infected berries has shown modifications in the metabolism of the berries which are directly related to the development of the fungi in the berries. The abnormal polyamine concentrations in infected berries appear to be of fungal origin for free polyamines and of plant origin for conjugated polyamines. The specific role of each type of polyamine is discussed with regard to the host-parasite relation.

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