Early bunchstem necrosis in grapes - a cause of poor fruit set


A disorder affecting the inflorescence of grapevines was identified and described. It occurs at any time from the early appearance of the inflorescence until flowering, causing shrivelling and death of some or all branches on the peduncle or bunch. It seems not to be caused by fungi or other pathological agent. Its appearance and development resemble stiellaehme or bunchstem necrosis (BSN), excepting that it occurs much earlier; thus the name 'early bunchstem necrosis' (EBSN) is suggested. Like BSN its aetiology appears to be related to the effects of specific inorganic chemicals. EBSN-like symptoms were induced by the cations Ca++ and NH4+but no response was found to K + and Mg++. There was considerably more EBSN in shaded compared with unshaded vines. No control or protective measures have so far been found

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