Evaluation of genetic diversity: Which o f the v arieties can be named 'Rebula' (Vitis vinifera L.)?


The variety 'Rebula' is an indigenous but also ancient variety in the Slovenian and Italian world-renowned winegrowing district Collio dating back to the ages of the Roman Empire. The DNA analyses of the variety ‘Rebula’ and its potential related varieties were conducted to evaluate its biodiversity. The variety 'Rebula' showed a very low similarity (16 %) with other analysed varieties, also with 'Rebula briška' and 'Rebula-old'. The varieties called 'Prosecco', 'Števerjana', 'Beli teran' and 'Briška Glera' revealed identical genotypes in all 11 SSR microsatellites analysed, therefore are regarded as synonyms. The varieties 'Rebula' and 'Ribolla gialla' revealed the identical SSR profile at 8 out of 9 SSR loci. 'Vitovska Grganja' share with 'Vitouska' only 55 % of analysed alleles but show their first degree relationship. The DNA analysis still showed existing deviations in synonyms and homonyms linked to the variety 'Rebula' what impedes its standardisation and revitalization.

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