Application of Dendrimer-based Nanoparticles in Glioma Imaging


Dendritic polymers or dendrimers present an alternate template for the development of nanoparticulate-based drug delivery and imaging systems. The smaller size (~7-12 nm) of dendrimers have the advantage over the other particles, because its smaller size can possibly improve tumor penetration and the inclusion of tumor specific drug release mechanisms. A Paramagnetic Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (PARACEST) MRI contrast agent, Eu-DOTA-Gly4 or a clinical relevant Gd-DOTA was conjugated on the surface of a G5 PAMAM dendrimer. To create a dual mode MRI-optical imaging nanoparticle, Dylight680 was also incorporated on the amines surface of a G5 dendrimer. The particle was detected with in vivo MRI in preclinical glioma animal model. Furthermore, noninvasive imaging results were validated with in vivo and ex-vivo optical imaging

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