Prevalence of Oligohydramnios among the Third Trimester Pregnant Women and Its Perinatal Outcome


Oligohydramnios means reduced liquor. There is an association among oligohydramnios and both intrauterine growth restriction and increased perinatal mortality. There is a change in normal amniotic fluid volume with gestational age and estimating the changes accurately have changed over the years. Oligohydramnios presents a threat to the fetus and has been associated with increased risk of intrauterine growth retardation, meconium aspiration syndrome, severe birth asphyxia, low APGAR scores and congenital anamolies. It is associated with perinatal morbidity and mortality. Therefore early detection of oligohydramnios and its management is very important. Aim of this study is to know the perinatal outcome in the third trimester diagnosed case of oligohydramnios

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