Effectiveness of Hepar Sulphuricum as a Remedy in treating Allergic Rhinitis of patients near Sea Shore Areas in Colachel Village


BACKGROUND: Allergic rhinitis is the inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes, Eustachian tubes, middle ear, sinuses, and pharynx. It is an extremely common condition, affecting approximately 20% of the population. While allergic rhinitis is not a life threatening condition, complications can occur and the condition can significantly impair quality of life. The study reviews the effectiveness of Hepar Sulphuricum in the management of allergic rhinitis. METHODS: Thirty patients with allergic rhinitis near sea shore areas from Colachel Rural health Centre who treated with Hepar Sulphuricum were evaluated. Diagnosis was done according to the symptoms presentation. All the cases were followed up in every month. The post treatment intensity scores were compared with pre- treatment intensity scores, from this scores were then analysed statistically with‘t’ test. RESULTS: Among the 30 cases, 24 cases shown marked improvement, 4 cases shown moderate improvement, 2 cases having mild improvement. Out of 30 cases 70% were Females and 30% were Male participants. 26% of the study group was between (11-20) and (41-50) years of age. Participants are mostly housewives and students. CONCLUSION: The results of this study is highly satisfying and confirmed that it is Effective for the Allergic Rhinitis of patients near sea shore areas of Colachel Village treating with Medicine Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum

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