Effectiveness of token economy on behavioural problem among mentally challenged children in a selected special school, Salem.


This study was conducted to evaluate the Effectiveness of Token Economy on Behavioural Problem among Mentally Challenged Children in a Selected Special School, Salem. In this study Pre Experimental (one group pre test- post test) design was adopted. Setting of the study was CSI Balar Gnana Illam special school, Salem. The sample size was 37 and they were selected through Non Probability Purposive Sampling Technique. Behaviour problem was assessed through Conner’s Abbreviated Rating Scale (CARS). After Token Economy Intervention the collected data were analysed by using both descriptive and inferential statistical methods. The study revealed that during pre test, majority of the samples i.e.18 (48.65%) had severe behavioral problem, 12(32.43%) had moderate behavioral problem and remaining 7(18.92%) had mild behavioral problem. During post-test, most of the samples i.e. 15(40.54%) had moderate behavioral problem, 13(35.14%) had severe behavioral problem and remaining 9(24.32%) had mild behavioral problem. The mean pre test score was 18.54 ± 5.99 and the mean post test score was 15.49 ± 5.88, the paired ‘t’ test value was 2.93 at p ≤ 0.05 level. This indicates that the token economy was effective in reducing the behavioral problem among mentally challenged children. Hence the hypothesis H1 was retained. There was no significant association found between the pre test scores on behavioral problem among samples and their selected baseline variables at p ≤ 0.05 level. Hence hypothesis H2 was rejected. This study concluded that the Token Economy was effective, attractive, easy to carry, dispense and cost effective therapeutic intervention in reducing the Behavioral Problems among Mentally Challenged Children

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