Functional outcome of tension band wiring of transverse fracture of patella or olecranon or medial malleolus


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The transverse fracture of patella, olecranon, middle malleolus and its complication accounts for significant morbidity and mortality. Tension band wiring helps in early mobilization of the patients than any other methods of treatment at present. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A study of fracture of patella, olecranon and middle malleolus requiring surgical treatment at orthopaedics department of Sree Mookambika Institute of Science, 60 patients were operated by tension band wiring technique in our study. Patients were evaluated for functional outcome by using different scores. Patients were also evaluated radiologically. RESULTS: The result of our study shows that effectiveness of the procedure was recorded 85% for patella which was one of the highest assigned to the procedure. CONCLUSION: Considering the incident of knee fractures and the time taken for the patella to heal it is imperative to have studies which demonstrate the effectiveness of the procedure. Early mobilization is the key for every fracture fixation. (Movement is life, life is movement)

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