A clinical study of the factors affecting the outcome of intestinal resection and anastomosis


INTRODUCTION: Resection and anastomosis is the surgical procedure involving excision of a diseased organ with adequate margins and joining the cut ends so as to maintain anatomical continuity. Most commonly performed resection and anastomosis is that involving the intestines. The above mentioned study is a humble attempt to understand the various factors which influence the outcome of an intestinal anastomosis in order to bring forth successful anastomosis healing. BODY: The above mentioned study has been conducted under the Department of General Surgery, Tirunelveli Medical College, with Institutional Ethical Committee approval. 50 cases of intestinal resection and anastomosis due various causes have been studied. Various factors – patient related, surgery related and post operative were analysed and compared. Patient related factors include Age, Cause for resection, Diabetes, Hypertension, biochemical parameters. Surgery related includes presence of gangrene, volume of bowel resected, type of anastomosis, and contamination of peritoneum. Post operative includes transfusion of blood and blood products, TPN. The presence or absence of these factors in the 50 patients were followed and analysed. Outcomes taken into consideration were a successful anastomotic healing, anastomotic leak and death. Factors which were found to directly influence the outcomes were age, sex, cause of resection, diabetes, low serum proteins, anaemia, presence of gangrene and TPN. CONCLUSION: Outcome of intestinal resection and anastomosis is multi-factorial. A successful anastomosis healing is an outcome of a wholesome approach. Correction of metabolic abnormalities and supplementation of nutrients goes a long way in proper healing of the anastomotic site

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