Haematological Abnormalities in Decompensated Chronic Liver Disease


In our prevalence study, 100 patients admitted as inpatients at Government General Hospital are taken for our study to assess the hematological profile and the hemostatic profile. All the patients were evaluated for the diagnosis of cirrhosis. Then patients were subjected to investigations for the hematological profile and hemostatic profile. Patients were done liver biopsy, upper GI endoscopy, USG abdomen and clinical signs for the diagnosis of cirrhosis. Blood investigations were done to assess the anaemia, nature of anemia, WBCs total count and differential count, platelet count, prothrombin time and APTT. All the investigations were collected and tabulated. According to the study, the most common anemia in cirrhotics is normochromic normocytic anaemia. Microcytosis occur in patients with bleeding tendencies and macrocytosis occur mostly in alcoholics. Leucopenia occurs in a small fraction of patients and leucocytosis occurs in patients with history of repeated paracentesis and peritonitis. Eosinophilia is associated with parasitic infections. Thrombocytopenia is present in most of the cirrhosis patients and are associated with increased bleeding tendencies. Most of the patients had increased prothrombin time and APTT due to decreased synthesis of clotting factors. Thus in cirrhosis patients most of them had abnormalities in haematological parameters and hemostasis

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