
Anatomy of relativistic pion loop corrections to the electromagnetic nucleon coupling


We present a relativistic formulation of pion loop corrections to the coupling of photons with nucleons on the light front. Vertex and wave function renormalization constants are computed to lowest order in the pion field, including their nonanalytic behavior in the chiral limit, and studied numerically as a function of the ultraviolet cutoff. Particular care is taken to explicitly verify gauge invariance and Ward-Takahashi identity constraints to all orders in the mπ expansion. The results are used to compute the chiral corrections to matrix elements of local operators, related to moments of deep-inelastic structure functions. Finally, comparison of results for pseudovector and pseudoscalar coupling allows the resolution of a longstanding puzzle in the computation of pion cloud corrections to structure function moments.Chueng-Ryong Ji, W. Melnitchouk, and A.W. Thoma

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