Effectiveness of information, education, communication package on knowledge and expressed practice regarding the care of low birth weight babies among mothers


A Pre-experimental study to evaluate the effectiveness of Information Education and Communication Package regarding care of low birth weight babies in terms of knowledge and expressed practice among mothers in Child Jesus Hospital, Trichy, 2011. Objectives 1. To assess the level of knowledge on care of low birth weight babies among mothers. 2. To assess the expressed practice on care of low birth weight babies among mothers. 3. To find out the effectiveness of information, education and communication package on care of low birth weight babies among mothers. 4. To find out the relationship between knowledge and expressed practices on care of low birth weight babies among mothers. 5. To find out the association between demographic variables and knowledge on care of low birth weight babies among mothers. 6. To find out the association between demographic variables and expressed practice on care of low birth weight babies among mothers. Conceptual framework Rosenstocks and Beckers health belief model. Research Design Pre experimental (One group pretest posttest). Population Mothers of new borns, diagnosed as low birth weight. Sampling Technique Non probability convenience sampling technique. Sampling size 30 samples Setting Child Jesus Hospital, Trichy. Tool Knowledge questionaire Expressed practice questionaire Data collection The period of the data collection was started from 28.06.2011-12.08.2011. Before starting the study the investigator obtained formal permission from the administrator of Child Jesus Hospital to conduct the study. Data analysis 1. Percentage, mean, chi-square & standard deviation would be used to know the association between demographic variables and the post test scores. 2. Correlation would be used to determine the relationship between knowledge and expressed practice. 3. Paired T-test would be used to compare the pre test & post test score. Major Findings 1. The mean pretest level of knowledge is higher than the mean post test level of knowledge. 2. The mean pretest level of expressed practice higher than the post test level of expressed practice. 3. There is significant improvement in the level of knowledge and expressed practice after administering the IEC package which shows the IEC given was effective. 4. There was a positive correlation between the post test knowledge and post test expressed practice of mothers of low birth weight . 5. Significant association was found between the post test level of knowledge and selected demographic variables such as mothers education, (p < 0.01), Number of gravida (p < 0.01). 6. Significant association was found between the post test level of expressed practice and selected demographic variables such as Number of gravida (p < 0.01), fathers occupation (p < 0.01). Conclusion 1. Care of low birth weight babies is safer and more effective intervention for low birth weight babies. 2. Improves the physiological responses. 3. Mothers is having positive attitude

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