A Study to assess the effectiveness of skill training on empowerment of child care skills among the mothers of mentally challenged children in selected mentally retarded schools of Madurai.


A Study to assess the effectiveness of skill training on empowerment of child care skills among the mothers of mentally challenged children in selected mentally retarded schools of madurai. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY: To find out the level of empowerment on child care skills among mothers of mentally challenged children before & after skill training in activities of daily living. To evaluate the effectiveness of skill training in activities of daily living in terms of child care skills among mothers of mentally challenged children. To determine the association between posttest empowerment on child care skills score among mothers of mentally challenged children & selected demographic variables of mothers (family income, religion, type of marriage, education of mother, place of residence) and demographic profile of child (age, sex, birth order). HYPOTHESIS :- H 1 – The mean post test empowerment score on child care skills among the mothers of mentally challenged children will be significantly higher than the mean pretest score among the mothers of mentally challenged children H2 – There will be a significant association between posttest empowerment on child care skills & the selected demographic variables mothers (family income, religion, type of marriage, education of mother, place of residence) and demographic profile of child (age, sex, birth order) among the mothers & mentally challenged children. OPERATIONAL DEFINITIONS EFFECTIVENESS:- It means that the way, it produces the intented result or a successful event. In this study it refers the outcome of skill training in empowering the mothers of mentally challenged children on child care skills. It is the difference between the mean pretest & post test empowerment score on child care skills after the administration of skill training on daily living activities. SKILL TRAINING In the study it refers to the skill that is required for the mothers of mentally challenged to meet the daily basic need like brushing, bathing, dressing, feeding, grooming, play activities of the mentally challenged children. It means training of mothers of challenged children regarding skills like brushing, bathing, feeding , grooming, & play activities. MENTALLY CHALLENGED CHILDREN:- Mentally challenged children refers to children with significantly sub average general intellectual function existing concurrently with deficits in adaptive functioning, which is manifested during the developmental period with onset before the age of 18. In the study, it refers to children with sub average general intellectual function existing concurrently with deficits in adaptive functioning & manifested during the developmental period with onset before the age of 18 who are attending Anbagam and shine special schools. EMPOWERMENT :- Giving strength or confidence, knowledge & skill to the mothers of mentally challenged children in meeting the daily activities like brushing, bathing, eating, dressing, & play activities. ASSUMPTION: Teaching the child care skills is to improve or maximize the mother’s ability & confident. Child care skills can be learned by the mothers of mentally challenged children. Nurse has an important role in teaching these child care skills to mothers of mentally challenged children. Appropriate child care skills is necessary to improving activities of daily living among the mothers of mentally challenged children. DELIMITATIONS: This study was confined to 2 special school (Anbagam & shine special school). Data collection period was limited to 6 weeks.PROJECTED OUTCOME:- � The study finding will help to determine the effectiveness of skill training among mothers of mentally challenged children in improving the child care skills. � The finding of this study will help the nursing personnel to plan & prepare module on skills training in special school for improving child care skills among the mothers of challenged children

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