A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme regarding prevention of Selected Complications among Immobilized Orthopaedic patients in Government Rajaji Hospital, Madurai


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: “FOCULS ON THE ABILITY AND NOT ON THE DISABILITY” Lengthy periods of immobilization are emotionally stressful for patients. Immobility related problems include pressure ulcers, pneumonia, constipation, loss of appetite, urinary stasis, urinary track infections and venous stasis or deep vein thrombosis. When the complications due to immobilization are prevented it helps an individual to be physically, emotionally and psychologically sound. These complications can be prevented through simple basic patient care like skincare, active-passive exercises, changing position and deep breathing exercises. Nurses have a key role in prevention of these complications by educating the patients. Hence the study was conducted “To evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme regarding prevention of selected complications among immobilized orthopeadic patients in Government Rajaji Hospital, Madurai. METHODS: The study involved one group pre-test and post-test without a control group using pre-experimental design, with non-probability sampling technique in which purposive sampling method was used. Information was collected from 50 immobilized orthopaedic patients using the structured interview schedule. STP was implemented and post-test was conducted after 8 days using the same structured interview schedule to find out the effectiveness. RESULTS: Majority of respondents (40%) are from the age group of 21-30 years, were male respondents, 64% were married, 30% were illiterate, and 60% of the respondents were laborers. Equal percentage (36% & 46%) of the respondents had a monthly family income of Rs. 3001 to 4000 and Rs. 4001-5000, 90% of the respondents were Hindus. 86% of respondents were taking mixed diet. 60% had compound fracture. The main cause for the fracture was road traffic accident (46%). Regarding effectiveness of STP, the overall mean percentage knowledge score in the pre-test was 34.71% and 80.91% in the post-test. The statistical paired ‘t’ test indicates that enhancement in the mean percentage knowledge score was found to be significant at P≤0.05 percent level for all the aspects under study. There was significant association between the gain in knowledge scores and selected demographic variables with age, gender, education status, monthly income, religion and type of diet at P≤0.05. The study did indicate non-significant association between knowledge scores and marital status, occupation, type of fractures and causes of fracture

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