Scientific Validation and Analytical Evaluation of Siddha Herbal Formulation Nilapanai Kilangu Chooranam for Spermatogenic, Aphrodisiac and Anti-Oxidant Activities In-Vivo and In-Vitro Model.


The study of the basic and fundamental purpose of sex and sexuality is the “continuation of progeny” and the survival of human race. There are so many medicines indicated in our Siddha system for the treatment of male infertility there is a need for much more effective drug with easy affordablity and availablity. “Nilapanai kilangu chooram” was indicated as a best drug for male infertility in “C.Kannusamy Parambarai Vaithiyam. The ingredients of “Nilapanai kilangu chooranam” will be an effective drug for spermatogenesis without causing any adverse effects.The drug “Nilapanai kizhangu chooranam” was prepared as per the classical Siddha literature, It fulfills all the standardization parameters of Chooranam as mentioned in AYUSH guidelines.The results of biochemical analysis showed the presence of acid and basic radicals in the sample.The presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides, tannins, triterpenoids were identified in the choloroform and methanolic extract of Nilapanai kizhangu chooranam through Phytochemical analysis.FT-IR Study results exhibits the presence of some organic functional groups such as alcohols, phenols, alkanes, amines, nitro compounds, aromatics, alcohols, alkyl halides, carboxylic acids.SEM analysis showed the objects of sizes ranging from 200nm to 500 nm. XRD pattern of the trail drug Nilapanai kizhangu chooranam shows some good crystalinity, Based on OECD 423 the trail drug Nilapanai kizhangu chooranam is considered as non toxic up to the dose of 2000mg/ is proved that the drug Nilapanai kizhangu chooranam was pharamacollogicaly evaluated for the property of aphrodisiac, spermatogenic and anti oxidant activity

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