Preclinical Study of Siddha Drug Venthamaraiyathi Chooranam for it’s Thrombolytic, Vasodilator, Hypolipidemic & Cardio Protective Activities


The test drug “Venthamaraiyathi Chooranam ” was selected from the siddha literature “Pharmacopoeia of hospital of Indian medicine” authored by Dr.V.Narayanaswami for its Thrombolytic, vasodilator, Hypolipidemic and Cardioprotective activities. The dissertation started with an introduction explaining about the siddha concept, prevalence of hypertension and role of the test drug in treating it. • The test drug was prepared properly by the given procedure. All the ingredients were identified and authenticated by the botanist and experts of Gunapadam,Govt. Siddha medical college, Palayamkottai. • Review of literatue in various categories was carrid out siddha aspect botanical aspect abd pharmaceutical review disclosed about thae drug and disease pharmacological review was done to establish the methodologies. • According to siddha aspect hypertension (Kruthi Azhal Noi) is caused by derangement of vatha pitha humors. Spicy taste of test drug diminish the vatha humor the spicy taste where posses the seetha veriyam very much helpful to demines the aggrevated vatha pitha humors. • Various analysis such as physicochemical, microbiological, phytochemical, biochemical analysis, instrumental analysis were made. From the above analysis we came who known the presence of active ingredients responsible for its activity. Phytochemical analysis showed the presence of potassium, calcium, chloride, iron,. • Biochemical analyisis showed the the presence of calcium, sulphate, chloride, starch, iron ferrous, phosphate, unsaturation, reducing suger, amino acids. Thus from these results we come to known the effectiveness of the drugs is due to the presence of these constituents. • The instrumental analysis FTIR showed the peak values presence of Alkanes, Amines,Aromatics, Aliphatic amines, Alkyl halides, Carboxylic acids. • ICP-OES analysis of these drug shows heavy metals Like Arsenic, cadmium, Nickel, copper and lead are found in below detecting level. The toxic metals are found in BDL. It reveals the drug in safer for long term use. Calicum was associated with the lower risk of Hypertension. Sodium regulates the body’s acid base balance. Iron is essential for may numbers of biological functions such as growth, reproduction, healing and immune function. The phosphorus is involved in tissue repair Magnesium is regulates the blood pressure. Sulphate is potent anti oxidant activity in human body. Zinc has got potent anti-microbial activity. • Acute and sub-acute toxicity were carried out in wistar albino rats according to OECD guidelines(423). This drug has no acute toxicity as there was no mortality seen sub-acute toxicity is carried by repeated dose of test drug for 28 days. Mortality, the functional observations, haematological and bio-chemical investigations were done. There were no significant changes in the bio-chemical and haematological profile. So the toxicological study of these test drug, venthamaraiyathi chooranam establish the safety of the drug for long time administration. • In pharmacological studies, the thrambolytic activity is carried out in wistar albino rats by using enzymeimmunoassay sandwich method. The test drug venthamaraiyathi chooranam has significant thrambolytic activity. • The vasodilator activity of test drug venthamaraiyathi chooranam carried out wistar albino rats by using students organ bath. The present study suggests that the Venthamaraiyathi Choornam extract may exert its endothelium-dependent relaxation activity by stimulating the nitric oxide release from the vascular endothelium via muscarinic receptors. • The hypolipidemic activity of test drug venthamaraiyathi chooranam carried out wistar albino rats models. Hyperlipidemia is considered to be major risk factor for the premature atherosclerosis and essentially the cholesterol in atherosclerotic plaque is derived from that of circulatory cholesterol. The antihyperlipidemic effect on siddha formulation Venthamaraiyathi Chooranam in particular could be considered as a possible therapeutic value. • Cardioprotective activity present study shows that the cardiotoxicity induced by Dox is related with oxidative stress. Anti-proliferative, anti-initiation and free radical scavenging properties of Venthamaraiyathi Chooranam may boost myocardial integrity and attenuate the cardiac toxicity. Venthamaraiyathi Chooranam has shown to be cardioprotective, which may be attributed to its potent antioxidant properties. • Anti-microbial study of the test drug carried out by well diffusion method. It is observed that Venthamaraiyathi Chooranam is sensitive to Escherichia coli and Streptococcus mutant & Klebsiella pnemoniae. These VTC has significant antibacterial activity. • Result and discussion gives the necessary and essential justification to prove the potency of test drug Venthamaraiyathi Chooranam with the scientific validation. Thus the herbel formulation is validated for its safety efficiency in the management of diarrhoea and it would be the way for a drug of choice. CONCLUSION: It is concluded that the test drug Venthamaraiyathi Chooranam has significant activity to control blood clot possess thrombolytic activity and control to cholesterol level by possessing hypolipidemic action and also stimulating the nitric oxide release from the vascular endothelium via muscarinic receptors some significant vasodilator activity and boost myocardial integrity by possessing cardioprotective activity. Apart from this Venthamaraiyathi Chooranam has anti-bacterial sensitivity against various pathogens. Finally the drug Venthamaraiyathi Chooranam is scientifically validated by modern techniques

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